Seagull Steals Doritos
From Store
In Aberdeen, Scotland, a seagull habitually conducts theft of Doritos chips from a store. When the seagull thinks the store owner isn't watching, it walks into the store and snatches a small bag of cheese Doritos. Then the bird gleefully runs out of the store and eventually rips open the bag to share the contents with its friends (other Seagulls). This peculiar habit started in July 2007 and the bird always targets the same type of chips.

(Below is a video clip of the "bird-beak discount")

Some customers have begun reimbursing the store owner for the swiped bags of chips. People find the Sea gull's antics very humorous. The locals have named the bird "Sam". Store personnel have a theory that the bird steals the same cheese Doritos chips due to the bag's color.

As reported by the BBC, the store assistant Sriaram Nagarajan said "He's got it down to a fine art. He waits until there are no customers around and I'm standing behind the till, then he raids the place. At first I didn't believe a seagull was capable of stealing crisps. But I saw it with my own eyes and I was surprised. He's very good at it. He's becoming a bit of a celebrity. Seagulls are usually not that popular but Sam is a star because he's so funny."

Some reports claim that this bird theft is happening in Marinette, Wisconsin, in the USA. This is inaccurate and might prove to be to the dismay of people in that area looking to see these comical Seagull thieveries. Unfortunately Americans will need to cross the ocean to see this funny behavior in person.

Seagulls are a bold bird and some people regard them as a nuisance due to problems created by them. Various people say it's not a good idea to feed these birds because it attracts them. They stay in towns and cities due to the availability of food and food scraps.

Author: Curt Dunmire
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About Author: Curt Dunmire is the publisher, director and owner of; an advocate on topics such as the fight against spyware and extolling the benefits of JavaScript. He has been Webmaster to clients since 1996 helping them establish online business identities as well as a previous full-time CAD drafter using various CAD platforms.

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